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People with Masks

Facilitated Forums

We design and maintain healthy peer groups

Together, we create highly tailored peer group strategies based on years of experience and thought leadership.

Association & Network Forums

Our goal is to design peer groups for associations, networks, and chapters which create new trusting connections for your members. Our unique training cadence, certified facilitators, peer alignment, perpetual advisory, and administrative support, guarantees best practices in these forums. Forum members will experience a new level of intentional personal and business growth for themselves and for their key executives. 

Following facilitated learning sessions, your colleagues will meet independently in groups of 8-10 to share experiences and deepen relationships. We continue to support forums throughout their life cycle with training, retreats, facilitator visits and coaching.

Taking Notes

Network Forum Participation

Member Forums

Association, industry, and network members come together better in peer groups. Members from various sized firms, different specialties, and locations meet in a confidential setting to share experiences and best practices, forming deep relationships under this membership benefit.

KEY executive Forums

KEY executive forums include C suite and management team members with similar job titles and responsibilities from different companies. The original attraction is a common professional education and language. However, the true value of these peer groups grows when lifestyle, family issues, work challenges and market pressures are shared in confidentiality.

In a Meeting

Corporate Forums

ForumWithin will help you find your culture by refining how you and your colleagues think, relate, and react to each other at work. Our approach creates better personal and business conversations in confidential meetings to deepen relationships and collaboration. We train your forum meeting moderators, in a leadership group themselves, to become carriers of your company culture and brand.

New people connections will directly enhance issue clearing, team commitment, recognition of toxic language, cross silo sharing, leadership, and collaboration.

Backed by a team of Certified Facilitators, your people will energize their work relationships. We will help your people discover psychological safety while sharing personal and business experiences. A person's decision to respect a colleague’s information in a confidential setting creates new bonds. 

We will work with you to determine the makeup and scheduling of each forum of 8-10 people. Interactive facilitation with each group requires about 8 hours over several sessions, designed for your workforce and budget. Launching forums to independence depends on member and facilitator schedules as well as your corporate calendar. 


We will help you design the structure and training schedule to find your best company culture.

Corporate Forum Participation
(The people in each forum)


Diagonal Forum membership is our favorite “cross cut of the organization chart” because of the communication multiplier that occurs between different titles, levels, and departments. This forum membership selection expands collaboration across silos and authority levels.


Horizontal Forums along management or suite levels are often the PILOT forums and they expand leadership connections between units, departments, and divisions.


Vertical Forums in the same department or same office work well to strengthen communication among colleagues who may report to one another.


Consider a Combination of Forums - a C suite horizontal forum, a District Manager virtual forum, a diagonal employee forum in the main office, or a vertical forum on the shop floor... whatever creates the best mix for your firm.

Forum at Vynamic

Vynamic launched one employee forum in 2019. Over the past few years, they have successfully launched over a dozen active forums. Recently, they even reshuffled half of their forums. Don't take our word for it; watch the testimonials of their forum participants and executives.

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